Adwords Made Easy - 14

Peel and Stick

As you've learned thus far, one of the most important aspects of profiting with Google Adwords is writing an ad that is specifically targeted to what the visitor is looking for. If everything was perfect, and we had an infinite amount of time, we would write an individual ad for each and every keyword.

But, guess what? Everything isn't perfect, and we most definitely have a finite amount of time each day.

So, what do we do?

You should start off with a small number of ad groups (If you don't remember what a group is, please refer to a previous chapter.) Starting with a small number of ad groups will make things much easier for you to manage AND monitor in the beginning. Monitoring the performance of your keywords is HUGE when you first create an ad via Adwords. Alright, now in your ad group you should write 2 good ads, 1 slightly different than the other for split testing purposes, and then place several "related" keywords into the group.

At this point, don't worry if the ad that you wrote matches EXACTLY with each keyword. It's not possible at this time, because you're placing related keywords into this 1 group to get a good feel for which words will bring you the most traffic.

After some time goes by, you'll notice that some keywords are bringing more traffic to your website that you would have expected. (i.e. getting you more clicks than you would have initially thought).

This is where the "Peel and Stick" method comes in so very handy. These keywords that you notice are getting you more clicks, you'll want to "peel" them and "stick" them into their own ad group.


Simple... Because if you can write an ad that is specifically written for each of these high performing keywords, you WILL increase your click through rate (the number of people that click on the ad). Increasing the click through rate will do 2 things:

  1. Get more visitors to your website to see your sales message
  2. Lower the price you're currently paying for each visitor. Remember, Google rewards good advertisers, by lowering the price you'll pay per click, the higher you can get your click through rate. So, obviously, the goal is to get as high of a click through rate as possible.

So, what we've essentially done here is:

  1. Found a few keywords that are sending us a good amount of traffic, but don't have as high of a clickthrough rate as they could.
  2. "Peeled" those keywords from the "generic" ad group we started with.
  3. "Stuck" those keywords into their own ad group
  4. Wrote a killer ad, specifically tailored around these keywords

After doing this, what should happen is...

  1. You'll increase your click through rate
  2. You'll get more visitors to your website
  3. You'll presell your visitor better BEFORE they get to your website, just by viewing your targeted ad
  4. You'll pay less per visitor because of the increased click through rate
  5. You'll increase your Adwords ranking

Now, you tell me... Is this something you should do every time you start an Adwords campaign? You bet your britches!

Just to make sure you understand, let's do a quick example so I can show you exactly what the "Peel and Stick" method is.

Step 1: We'll take a large group of keywords and plug them into 1 ad group. Our keywords are all somewhat related to home entertainment systems...

Step 2: Over the next few days/weeks we'll track our results, paying close attention to the number of clicks each keyword is getting, as well as the number of click through each keyword gets.

Step 3: After a few days/weeks go by, we'll start top notice some keywords getting quite a bit more clicks than the others. This is where we peel and stick, IF the original ad wasn't written specifically based on those keywords. Below you'll see a "fake" campaign that I've created to show you an example of what we need to do next...

Keep in mind that there are MANY more keywords listed below the last keyword in the screenshot. I didn't want to take a gigantic screenshot, so just remember there are many more keywords in this group that we've created.

Below you'll see 2 arrows pointing to 2 keywords with a high number of clicks.

Tracking Ads CLick

Home Theater System got 919 clicks

Surround Sound got 87 clicks

Home Entertainment got 88 clicks, but because the click through rate is so high, and the ad written already targets this keyword well, we'll leave it here and won't "peel" it.

We will, however, "peel" the keywords:

  • Home Theater System
  • Surround Sound

... and we'll place them into their own group. And then write an ad that is written specifically for people entering each of those keywords.

Our new ads would look something like this:

Home Theather Ads

You'll notice that the Headline of each ad contains our main keyword, which Google will bold for us. It's a proven fact that you will increase your click through rate by including your main keywords somewhere in the ad... Usually the headline is the best place. Or you could even include your keyword in both the headline AND the ad like we've done in the ad on the right, above.

Once we've "Stuck" these super performing keywords into their own ad groups, we'll soon notice that our click through rates have risen, accomplishing our goal... which, as I mentioned above is to:

  1. increase your click through rate

  2. get more visitors to your website

  3. presell your visitor better BEFORE they get to your website, just by viewing your targeted ad

  4. pay less per visitor because of the increased click through rate

  5. increase your Adwords ranking

  6. ... and lastly, Make more sales!

The "Peel and Stick" method is one of the most important Adwords techniques you can do to increase your bottom line. Use it wisely and use it often and you'll be 1 step ahead of the other guy that hasn't taken the time to do this... and is probably losing money

By this time, I'm hoping you've taken some sort of action and at least have opened an Adwords account and have started playing around with it a bit. Also, hopefully you've used Keyword Elite to generate lots of keywords for you, and have found several potentially profitable niches to start promoting.

In the next 'bonus chapters', I'll be showing you specifics on how I use Keyword Elite in conjunction with Google Adwords AND Adsense to make extra money online, so pay close attention.