Automate Digital Delivery on eBay

If you want to make serious money on ebay by selling e-books then you have to automate the digital delivery. This is an absolute MUST. Think about this carefully :

  • Anyone who buys an e-book wants it to be delivered IMMEDIATELY.
  • Delivering manually is time consuming and you will spend more time answering emails, attaching e-books and tracking sales to make any serious money.

People will generally ONLY order a digital product like an e-book if it can be delivered immediately and automatically irrespective of the time of day. There are a number of ways that this can be done and this guide has been written to show you how to:

"Automate Digital Delivery on eBay"

This guide provides full details, step by step, of how you can setup your entire eBook/eBay business to literally run on auto pilot! Any customer will receive the product in seconds assuming that payment has been made and verified. This verification happens automatically. This method is free, easy and simple to set up and use.

For those that require even easier methods to automate digital delivery, I have also provided links to some very carefully selected products which can be used. Please note that these are unnecessary since full details of the free method are provided.

This method is for use on which has the necessary options programmed. Currently does not have these options but don’t let this deter you from using this system. The USA has a population of over 300 million people compared to the 60 million in the UK and that means 5 times the opportunity for e-book sales!

Listing e-books for sale is just as easy on as it is on and since the delivery is digital, the distance between the buyer and seller is immaterial.

Ok – enough introduction!

Lets get straight to it and demonstrate how to set up the automatic delivery of digital product on


The first step is to upload your e-book, with cover image and any other information to a file sharing site on the internet. There are a number of sites which allow you to do this for free but I have found that one of the best is at (see screenshot below)

When you enter the site you simply enter your details and then follow the instructions to upload your files. Once uploaded, you will need to “share” the file by clicking on the file sharing button. If you fail to do this then your customers won’t be able to download the file after paying for it.




Enter your eBay user ID and Password if you have not already done so.


Scroll down and click on the link titled “List as a digital file or information” (located underneath the words “Digital Items – Use this option if your item is a digital file or information that will be made available to the buyer online or delivered electronically”)


In order to sell a digital item you MUST offer only PayPal as a payment method AND provide a Web address or alternate delivery method for your digital item. To ensure this is the case eBay asks you to verify by ticking this box and then clicking on “Agree”


Click on the pull down menu until the words “Provide web address for download” appear here


Type in the web address of the file sharing site where you have stored the e-book and cover/artwork as described in step 1 and some delivery instructions. A typical instruction could read “Thank you for your order – you can download your order from the following link”

Now continue in the normal way until the item is listed and THAT’S ALL THERE IS TO IT!

The buyer will receive the message immediately after paying, together with a link to the file sharing web address from where he can download the product.

Software Links

For those who consider the above method too complicated or who want to make their downloads even more professional, there is a product which can be downloaded which does all the work for them. This product is called “SmartDD” , which is short for “Smart Digital Delivery” and is produced by a guy called Frank Haywood.

I could detail the product here but Frank tells it better than I ever could. Click on the link below to read all the details on this amazing product. If the link does not work in your browser then simply copy and paste it into your browsers address line.

Another product which is well worth considering is Aweber, the link below provides details and you can take a FREE test drive to see what it can do.

I hope this guide has given you the information to provide automatic digital download of your e-books and I wish you well in your future selling career.